About Us
Waypharm team is a group of specialists from various fields of pharmaceutics and its related sciences. The members of this team have been working together for more than10 years. Waypharm is the result of this successful collaboration.
In fact Waypharm is the link among the three objects: the pharma industries, research institutes and academic centers. The output of this teamwork is the know-how of the production and development of various pharmaceutical products as well as providing raw materials and required equipments.
The objective of Waypharm is devoted to the development of communications between pharmaceutical manufacturing companies and scientific institutions or CROs. In this context, Waypharm is ready to implement this teamwork model in different countries to use the existing capabilities in research centers as well as production capacities in pharmaceutical manufacturing companies.
The main achievement of this teamwork model is the reduction of research and development costs in one hand and in the other hand, technical know-how for manufacturing of high-tech pharmaceutical products.
Based on defined policy for Waypharm, every pharma researcher and every pharmaceutical company that wants to have collaboration with us, they can contact us and fill out our registration form.